Friday, June 26, 2009

Simple as apple pie

One of the things I like about summer is the removal of the schedule. While ours is not completely clear, we do get swim practice out of the way early on in the day and can just do whatever for the rest of the afternoon. One day last week, Alex just randomly said that he wanted to make an apple pie. Not my favorite pie, but I grabbed some ingredients and decided to let them at it.

I put Matthew down for a nap, but it didn't take. So, all four of them were gathered around the table excited to cook this pie. I let them do almost everything. They each used the slicer (with my help or watchful eye) to cut their apple. Rachel worked hard on the lattice crust on top while they all helped with the ingredients for the syrup to bring it all together. Alex took a short hiatus to go plant a couple seeds in our garden. He's dying for a fruit tree in our yard for some reason.

Sometimes cooking with all four is a major headache, but this went pretty smoothly, and I have to say that this is the prettiest apple pie that has ever come out of my oven. I thought they did quite a wonderful job. Now, to see how it tastes...

1 comment:

Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

So how was it? Do we get a taste report?

